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Angel Bulletin:
News about the Angels of Project Michelangelo Foundation worldwide
(Fall/Winter 2024)
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Whether you’re dealing in a relationship be it in love, friendship, academic work, business or family affairs, and when you are honest with that person or persons, they will have a reason to trust you. Honesty or truthfulness is a facet of moral character that connotes positive and virtuous attributes such as integrity, truthfulness, straightforwardness (including straightforwardness of conduct: earnestness), along with the absence of lying, cheating, theft, etc. Honesty also involves being trustworthy, loyal, fair, and sincere.
If people know that you are a person of honesty and integrity, they won’t need to question what you have to say or look for the underlying motives behind your actions. You will be known as a straight up kind of person who says what they mean and does what they say. Honesty is a universal language that brings people together and surely a Godly trait that will bring order and peace to our own being and into the world. Imagine a world of honest people and it begins with you.
In this exciting issue, learn from the so many contributors from around the world about their thoughts on honesty with experiences, lessons learned, and wisdom as they share them for all the women of the world. Thank you for reading our prestigious Angel Rising Magazine!
Cover design by Jade I. Sayson, Editor-in-Chief.
On the cover: Annika Bennion
Project Michelangelo Foundation
Winter-Spring worldwide activity report
(October 2023 - March 2024)
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Problems and challenges are part and parcel of life. We become busy bodies always searching for solutions many times, thinking out of the box to find ingenious or practical ways to deal with issues confronting us. Then we reach our “eureka” moment and find a novel way to deal with what life throws at us.
On another note, we are meant to expand our minds and explore the beauty of life and thus need an expression of this inner feeling that emanate from love of life and God. So, then the artist is revealed in us to create art in all its forms be it visual arts, music, dance, culinary, poetic writing, and more all meant as a beautiful expression of the human soul. In the moment of inspiration, love, need, or even sadness, we are moved to unleash our intuition and curiosity to find new ways to express that uplift not only the doer herself, but also in the spirit of sharing to many that the world is still a beautiful place.
With our new theme “Creativity,” read up on the amazing submissions in this issue that tell us how creative talents are used in various dealings with day-to-day living, their ingenious solutions to issues in life, or how they expressed to uplift themselves and others. Read up, discern, and learn wisdom from these talented women from all walks of life in our prestigious magazine. Become part of this movement to help change the world into a better place for all.
Cover design by Jade I. Sayson, Editor-in-Chief.
On the cover: Mackenzie Clymer by Ken Cheung Photography
Project Michelangelo Foundation
Fall-Winter worldwide activity report
(March 2023 - Sept. 2023 )
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Our 2023 Fall-Winter Edition of Angel Rising Magazine is here!
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Theme: “Positivity”
Our lives are filled with change and uncertainty, and it can be challenging, learning how to navigate these transitions in ways that are healthy. In a society where it is normalized to numb our emotions, a lot of us are conditioned to engage in “toxic positivity,” suppressing the “bad” feelings to focus on the “good.” But this is not sustainable.
The real meaning of positivity is to be constructive. And we cannot truly feel joy in our lives, until we also acknowledge the feelings that are traditionally viewed as “bad” or undesirable. All the emotions and feelings we experience are valid, and we can learn to lean into them, to befriend them.
In this world where we can experience so much suffering, it is radical to love ourselves truthfully, through our joy.
Read up and learn from all our amazing contributors in this issue as they share with us how they have learned to incorporate positivity in their lives in healthy ways and how they have shifted their perspective during difficult times. Our time on this earth is precious ~ how have you protected your joy and your energy to keep moving forward?
by Jade I. Sayson, Editor-in-chief, ARM
Project Michelangelo Foundation
Spring-Fall worldwide activity report
(April 7, 2022 - Oct. 29, 2022)
Please click below to view.
Please donate to our PMF Missions 2024 via our secure PNC QR code.
All proceeds are used 100% for our logistics & beneficiaries.
“God loves a cheerful giver”
Project Michelangelo Foundation
Project Michelangelo Foundation is a 501(c)(3) NFP
Project Michelangelo Foundation is registered under both The Charitable Trust and The Solicitation for Charity Acts CO# 01068679 issued by the Office of the Attorney General of the State of Illinois, 03/06/15
"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver"
-2 Corinthians 9:7
Meet Rochelle, and learn about her life with progeria.
Meet our International Board of Directors
Along with Project Michelangelo founder Jojo Sayson, this humanitarian team is dedicated to grant wishes worldwide.
Mission Statement
To ignite the fire of compassion in the human heart, to give hope and inspiration, and to take action in helping empower the children of the world and its appointed guardians.
An Angel and a Hero for every child.
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