Desiree Fletcher Caruthers
Ambassador, Angel Rising Magazine
Location: Des Moines, Iowa, USA
Profession & background: A self-professed jack-of-a-couple trades, Desiree Fletcher Caruthers spends part of her days as a mild-mannered and somewhat sassy public relations and social media aficionado, helping businesses and individuals alike share their brand message around the world. The rest of the time, she's a high-energy champion of good health as a wellness coach, Pro-natural bikini bodybuilding competitor and co-host of the weekly "Real Talk with Desiree & Kaelin" podcast as well as host of a nutrition program, "Temple Building from the Inside Out" on KPOG Power of God 102.9 FM. Desiree is a mother of four, “wifey” of a world-champion taxidermist, avid volunteer and professional model.
Specialty: Saving lives through biblical and health & wellness truth, on day at a time.
Philosophy: Your body is a temple, so, let's build it!